Last night Stephen Colbert went on Bill O'Reilly's show and then O'Reilly went on Colbert.
In the O'Reilly on Colbert, O'Reilly says that he's not a tough guy, that he's sensative and that "This is all an act."
Colbert responds with, "If you're an act, than what am I?"
Colbert on O'Reilly
O'Reilly on Colbert
To me Colbert is so obviously the winner in these encounters it's kind of uncomfortable to watch. It makes me wonder why O'Reilly would do these. And why after the Colbert on O'Reilly one went so bad he would go on Colbert's show? Maybe at that point he said he would and couldn't back out.
Is there more to this though? Is there a way in which O'Reilly fans would see him as the more stand up guy? Would believers get Colbert's sly jokes?
Friday, January 19, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Welcome Grand Sierra Cinema

The movie theatre in the bottom of the Grand Sierra Resort has opened as the Grand Sierra Cinema showing second run movies (usually movies that have recently left the cineplex) for $3 a ticket!
From the RGJ story:
"The dollar houses or discount houses of the past didn't have the best seating, not the best sound, employees, maintenance, the whole works," he said. "Our goal was to create a top-of-the-line facility. You know, top-of-line sound, picture and experience for an affordable price."
To meet that goal, Bloomhuff said, he invested about $150,000 in digital sound equipment and renovations.
"We've increased the screen sizes and then we've done a partial remodel through the theater," he said. "But, of course, we've left the love seats, which people enjoy most."
A budget theatre where my shoes don't stick to the floor! I'm in.
They do not have a website yet so I have made a quick and dirty blog where I will post their showtimes:
There is an RSS feed too ;)
The phone number is 775-789-2093
I spoke to the owner and he said that they expect their full website will be up in a few weeks. When that happens I will make a final post directing people to their real website and shut down the temporary blog.
Wow things move fast on the web these days! I posted this yesterday afternoon on and later that same day the rgj put up a story linking to the temp blog!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Paris Tattoo Art Fest

OMG the Paris Tattoo Art Fest looks awesome. Both of the artists I want a tattoo from will be there.
Jason Tyler Grace From Idle Hands Tattoo in San Francisco.
Lionel Out of Step
It would be especially awesome to see Lionel. (and when I say 'see' I mean 'get a tattoo from' because there is no fucking way I would leave without one) He lives and works in the South of France and, as far as I have seen, doesn't travel to the US to do work.
If you are at all interested in Tattooing or interesting visual work/styles check out his gallery and Media pages. His style is the most unique and original I have seen in the Tattooing medium.
Does this mean that I will one day fly to France just to get a tattoo?
C'est possible.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Missed Connections
I had 3 missed connections last weekend. I'll start at the begining,
1 Have you ever sat next to someone in a movie theatre, that you dont know, where you and them are laughing, jumping, "Nooo!!"-ing, screaming etc. at about the same time? Well the cute hispanic girl sitting next to me in Children of Men and I were doing this. It was like how you actually want a movie date to go where the act of watching the movie together makes you wonder if you might have something in common with that person. Except that in this case your date leaves with some other dude because that's who she's actually on a date with.
2 The next day I was at a punk rock show at Davidsons Distillary. I was talking to a guy I work with about different TV shows, movies and music. It was interesting to me because of the near misses our converstion kept having. We seemed to be two like minded individuals but because we get our media and news from different sources the conversation kept faltering.
I have been increasingly getting my music and audio entertainment from places on the Internet like the Hype Machine, the Contrast Podcast, posts on blogs I read, and from word of mouth. My video entertainment these days is from my and Google Reader "towatch" tag list, video podcasts, random crazy shit found on youtube, and jewels on Google Video. So conversations about bands that are on the radio or some of the TV shows on now are difficut because I have heard of them, watched a few episodes, or heard a song or 2 and have a general feeling but nothing concrete so the conversation had lots of false starts like:
ME:"Oh yea, they seem like a good band."
OTHER DUDE:"Oh do you listen to them!?"
ME:"No not really I've just heard a little and they seem interesting."
5 years ago I was Mr TV watcher (and when I was a teenager even more so) so the contrast of being out of step with the mainstream media when talking to someone who gets a lot of their entertainment that way, was very noticable. However, the conversation did get me interested in watching Heros. I watched most of the episodes from the first season the next night (on the Internet of course) and I am now addicted.
3 The last near miss of the weekend was the shortest but sticks in my mind the most because the girl had such amazing eyes and smile. And, well,
Oh what the hell, I am calling this post "Missed Connections". Let's do it right...
1 Have you ever sat next to someone in a movie theatre, that you dont know, where you and them are laughing, jumping, "Nooo!!"-ing, screaming etc. at about the same time? Well the cute hispanic girl sitting next to me in Children of Men and I were doing this. It was like how you actually want a movie date to go where the act of watching the movie together makes you wonder if you might have something in common with that person. Except that in this case your date leaves with some other dude because that's who she's actually on a date with.
2 The next day I was at a punk rock show at Davidsons Distillary. I was talking to a guy I work with about different TV shows, movies and music. It was interesting to me because of the near misses our converstion kept having. We seemed to be two like minded individuals but because we get our media and news from different sources the conversation kept faltering.
I have been increasingly getting my music and audio entertainment from places on the Internet like the Hype Machine, the Contrast Podcast, posts on blogs I read, and from word of mouth. My video entertainment these days is from my and Google Reader "towatch" tag list, video podcasts, random crazy shit found on youtube, and jewels on Google Video. So conversations about bands that are on the radio or some of the TV shows on now are difficut because I have heard of them, watched a few episodes, or heard a song or 2 and have a general feeling but nothing concrete so the conversation had lots of false starts like:
ME:"Oh yea, they seem like a good band."
OTHER DUDE:"Oh do you listen to them!?"
ME:"No not really I've just heard a little and they seem interesting."
5 years ago I was Mr TV watcher (and when I was a teenager even more so) so the contrast of being out of step with the mainstream media when talking to someone who gets a lot of their entertainment that way, was very noticable. However, the conversation did get me interested in watching Heros. I watched most of the episodes from the first season the next night (on the Internet of course) and I am now addicted.
3 The last near miss of the weekend was the shortest but sticks in my mind the most because the girl had such amazing eyes and smile. And, well,
Oh what the hell, I am calling this post "Missed Connections". Let's do it right...
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I had a great New Years Weekend
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